Learning Idioms in Context: Lily's Belief in Life

Learning Idioms in Context: Lily’s Belief in Life

Here is a story about a young lady who is diligent and friendly. You’ll find idiom definitions, example sentences, conversations, and a short quiz after reading the story.

Lily is a lady who lives in a small town near the city. She loves to walk every weekend together with her brown puppy. During her summer vacation, she makes sure to relax to compensate for the busy moments in her school days. For her, living near the city is a blessing in disguise. In her first few months, she wasn’t able to appreciate the scarcity of establishments around. But now, she enjoys the simplicity and calmness of the neighborhood. She now sees the significance of some situations that seem terrible at first, but good things happen after.

Lily believes that contentment is one of the most useful virtues in life. “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush” Lily advised. She is delighted with what she has right now. Moreover, she also believes that a little learning is a dangerous thing. “People who don’t understand something fully are dangerous,” she said. She always reiterates the significance of wisdom as a tool for success. She is also a fan of real justice and equality. “You can’t judge a book by its cover,” she said. A person may look bad, but you should observe and know him before judging. 

Lily stressed that one of the most important virtues in life is a sacrifice. “You can’t make an omelet without breaking some eggs,” she suggested. It is hard to achieve goals in life without doing your best. Sometimes, unpleasant things happen, but life must go on. What doesn’t kill you makes you wiser and stronger. Finally, make sure to give your best at all times. At any rate, that’s how to be happy and successful in life according to Lily.

A blessing in disguise

  • a favorable situation or a result that seemed terrible at first, but it turns out to be an advantage or a fortune
Example Sentences

Adam’s early resignation from his work was a blessing in disguise because he got plenty of rest and a break from his toxic work life. 

Amanda’s failure in her exams was a blessing in disguise for she realized that she was not happy anymore with her bachelor’s degree and decided to change it to the degree she loves.

A: What makes you blessed now these days?

B: When Alana broke up with me, I was so distressed for a few months. But now, I think the breakup is a blessing in disguise because no one stops me when I want to stay late with my friends on weekends.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

  • what you have is more precious or valuable than what you can get later, so it is best to be contented and happy with what you possess right now no matter how small it is
Example Sentences

Layla might have got a better offer if she had waited for some more time, but she decided to take the one she had. After all, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

People may not like their job, but they should not quit just because they have the belief of finding a better one. They may not realize a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

A: You have been working in the company for quite a long time. What’s your secret?

B: Our company is already established. We have excellent benefits here that other companies cannot offer to their employees. You know, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

A little learning/knowledge is a dangerous thing

  • this applies to people who don’t understand something or those who know a few are dangerous, and they are prone to errors
Example Sentences

Tom came home with some bruises that he got when playing in the mud. Just because his best friend jumps and runs in the dirt, it doesn’t mean that he will not get wounded. This goes to show that a little learning/knowledge is a dangerous thing.

Sam read about how to take care of himself when he has a high fever. He thought he doesn’t need a doctor. With this, he got worse and stayed in the hospital for a few days. This turned out that a little learning/knowledge is a dangerous thing

A: Are you now ready for the thesis defense this Friday?

B: No, I have to go over my research notes and study possible inquiries so that I can have organized thoughts, and my presentation will run smoothly. I have to be ready because I know that a little learning/knowledge is a dangerous thing.

You can’t make an omelet without breaking some eggs

  • give up something or to take much effort to get something in return or something desirable
Example Sentences

Helen is trying to do her best for her to get the university scholarship. She is not going out with her friends and watching movies. She has realized that she can’t make an omelet without breaking some eggs

I have been studying English, and it’s hard work. However, I am hopeful that I can improve soon as it is true that I can’t make an omelet without breaking some eggs.

A: How long have you been preparing for the 5k Marathon competition?

B: It has been two months, and I am not giving up. I can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. I know, I can do it.

You can’t judge a book by its cover 

  • don’t just look at the value of something by its appearance and this may sound bad in the outside appearance, but it’s good inside
Example Sentences

One of the applicants did not look very smart, but you can’t judge a book by its cover.

The restaurant looked so attractive from outside, but the meals were so horrible. We made a mistake. It’s really true that you can’t judge a book by its cover.

A: John has married Ella, one of the smartest students in his batch. She has a brown complexion and small. 

B: I think John has made a wise decision. He is happy now. He believes that you can’t judge a book by its cover.


  1. A major problem in life that you may encounter can turn out to be _________________. Embrace it and be positive.
  2. Be grateful for what you have accomplished. Be happy! You can never be promoted in your workplace for several years but _________________.  
  3. Human resource professionals scrutinize each applicant and they practice the belief that ____________________. So they hire based on skills and attitude not on appearance.
  4. Do not start a business without researching your market and efficiently planning because ______________ as you might face difficulties and issues that lead to failure.
  5. My best friend and I hope to achieve outstanding scores this summer class. We plan to decrease our screen time though this will make us upset. We believe that _____________________.

Learn more idiomatic expressions using short stories, sentences, and quizzes. It is essential to learn them in context as they are never easy to understand. Happy learning!

Study English in the USA

Study English in the USA

Studying English in the U.S. has been a dream to many. Thousands of students have been applying annually to be admitted to colleges and universities. While most students want to study English in the USA, others want to experience the remarkable American life. As a student wherein English is not your native language, it is never easy to improve your English communication skills without a skilled English teacher with an effective program. As you read this article, you may not be certain as to how you can improve your English efficiently. It is a fact that many students became successful in improving their English communication skills after studying abroad so this article will guide you in deciding to start planning your study in the U.S. in the next coming years and be one of those successful students.

The first step is to think of the requirements when applying for a student visa. This means that you need to check the Bureau of Consular Affairs website or contact them directly. With this, the most critical requirement for studying in the U.S. is acing your student visa interview as the interview is in English. Moreover, an excellent TOEFL or IELTS score also matters as this will give you more opportunity to choose different universities. You should remember that each college or university has different requirements for English proficiency. With this, you should be able to improve your English more extensively.

A good English communication skill is a stepping stone for you to be accepted to a good university in the U.S. You will be in a constant class discussion where explaining and debating is just a routine. Class participation is one of the key performance factors in evaluating your grades. While others may opt to select an easy program, it is always suggested that you choose the intensive program. You will have more benefits in the future, especially when advancing your career in the workplace.

Different Types of English Language Programs in Colleges and Universities

Study English in California

Intensive English Program

This is a challenging program that is usually taken at the beginning of the semester. It is useful for professionals and students preparing for university or business programs. This program emphasizes fluency and accuracy. Students from various countries have attended this program, and it is based on the integrated-skills approach in listening, speaking, reading, writing. A student must have 18 hours a week intensive English program completed to qualify for a student visa.


  • Live on campus
  • Full access to the college or university library and other facilities
  • Practice with other students
  • Take some university courses when you have an advanced level of English
  • Work up to 20 hours weekly if you hold an F-1 visa

The Intensive English program is not always a part of a college or university degree program. With this, it is essential that you understand the reality that you cannot guarantee to receive academic credit. When you are admitted to an ESL School, this doesn’t mean that you can be automatically accepted as a student in a college or university. If you plan to study in a university course, make sure that you do your research first. Colleges and universities have different admission requirements and policies. Moreover, it is crucial to keep in mind the cost of a community college, public colleges, and universities because they have lower tuition fees than private ones.

Proprietary English Language Program

While students usually initiate the interest to study English in the USA, there are private ESL schools that cater assistance to students who plan to enter the nearest college or university. The students are already residing near the ESL school and can feel the convenience in completing the program. As a result, this can be very rewarding. The school can prepare students to college and universities’ admission successfully. On the other hand, it is important to note that there are only a few ESL schools that offer housing or arrange home-stays.


  • If you are an advanced-level student, you may take one or two courses in the nearest colleges or universities.
  • You can take a few vacation ESL classes in which you learn English while you travel to scenic spots places.
  • You can study flexibly in a familial environment with a state of the art facilities.
Study English in Los Angeles

Finding The Best Program

While the plan to study English in the USA is one of the best decisions you can make, you must do serious research before choosing an ESL school. Read about the courses and programs they offer, their accreditation, and location. You contact the ESL school directly to ask some questions related to your study. Moreover, requesting assistance to your local class adviser can also give you a guarantee that you are identifying the school that is best for you. This process of selecting the school is rewarding as you will know more about the school that will be part of your life. Hence, make sure to choose carefully.

When choosing a program, make sure to consider below areas as they have a significant impact on your success in your plan to study English in the USA.

  • The kind of program you want to attend
  • The cost of the program and other expenses
  • The location you want to go
  • The school’s class size and extracurricular activities
  • The school’s setting, teachers, accommodations and services
  • The school’s accreditation and it’s policy on enrolling in a nearby university

The above list is mostly reflected in a school’s catalog but you must still verify each area to guarantee their authenticity. Hence, doing proper research, asking academic experts in this area, and practicing your English communication skills are equally important in making yourself ready to study English in the USA.

Are you still undecided on which English program you want to enroll? Please contact us below and feel free to fill out the form with any questions you may have about your future English study in the USA.

New Year’s Idioms

In the United States, when the new year is approaching, many people think about what they accomplished and what mistakes or wrong choices they made so they can change them in the year that’s about to start. In other words, they think of the new year as a new beginning – an opportunity to leave anything they don’t like about their life in the past and set goals to change them, or they just set new goals for self-improvement. Here are some idioms or phrases connected with this practice.

New Year’s Resolution– a promise that you make to yourself to start doing something good or stop doing something bad on the first day of the year.

Example: “Did you make any New Year’s resolutions?”

     “Yes, I’m going to eat healthier and give up smoking.”


turn over a new leaf– to change your behavior in a positive way.

Example: She turned over a new leaf; she began getting to school on time and doing all her homework.


kick the habit– to give up something that you have done for a long time.

Example: He used to smoke but he kicked the habit last year.


bite off more than you can chew– when you do something that proves to be too difficult 

Example: I think he’s bitten off more than he can chew taking all those classes; he should’ve started with just a couple of classes at first.


get the ball rolling– to make something happen or the beginning of something 

Example: We want to get fit this year so we joined the gym to get the ball rolling.


back to the drawing board– to go back to the beginning of a plan, and start over

Example: My plan to read one book per week did not work last year. I have to go back to the drawing board and think of a new way to accomplish my goal of reading more. 

Idioms – leisure

American English Idioms

An idiom is a phrase (group of words) that usually has a figurative meaning. The use of idioms is wide spread in the English language; native English speakers use idioms almost every day.  Therefore, studying idioms is critical for effective communication, whether in listening, speaking, reading, or writing.  Studying idioms not only improves your understanding of the English language but also gives you a deeper insight into American culture.  The idiomatic expressions (idioms) introduced are based on a theme chosen.


Idioms Related to Leisure

at (one’s) leisure – at one’s convenience or to do something at one’s pace (without haste)


If you’re done with your homework, you can spend the rest of the day at (your) leisure.

I plan to complete all my work today so that I can relax tomorrow. I would like to spend at least once a week at (my) leisure.


have a blast – have a great time

Blast means an explosion. It seems that the word in this contest is to express intensity of excitement or enjoyment.


The Thanksgiving potluck by school was great. We had a blast.

Let’s have a blast tonight. Everyone at the party is very friendly and cool.


take it easy – 1) to be calm or relaxed 2) take care, be careful


1) I am going to take it easy this weekend. I’ve been studying too hard for the finals.

2) Take it easy! Let’s keep in touch.


in one’s element – to do or be in state of something comfortable

out of one’s element – to do or be in state of something uncomfortable


Jane is in her element when she’s drawing. She loves to draw and sits still for hours drawing. However, Jane is out of her element when she’s doing her math homework. She cannot sit still beyond 10 minutes.


barrel of laughs – very funny or having great fun
‘Barrel’ is a big container. The ‘barrel’ in this context means ‘lot of’ laughter or fun. *The expression is often used in a sarcastic context.


For Jason, the English literature course isn’t a barrel of laughs.  To a non-native English speaker, it is a very challenging course.

*Heidi is always nagging, if not very demanding. She’s a barrel of laughs.


Do you have similar idioms in your own country related to the English idioms here?

Do you have good sample sentences for the idioms introduced here?

Please share to reinforce the idioms you’ve studied here. Study English by learning idioms regularly.