On Friday, October 19th, a group of 40 Poly ESL students and staff from Irvine, Pasadena and Los Angeles gathered at Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) for a night of drinks, pizza, and music.
Such a large group deserved a large space. Poly students and staff met on the grassy, green area toward the back of the jazz concert. This was the perfect space for everyone to get familiar with each other.
The clear, blue L.A. sky inspired conversation and laughter. The Jon Mayer Trio’s soothing sound echoed in the background as Poly members tapped their glasses and blissfully shouted “Cheers.”
Some were standing, some were sitting, but all were embracing the opportunity to meet and greet people from Turkey, China, Mexico, Korea, Russia, Japan, Saudi Arabia etc.
The following Monday, students were still joyous about the event. They came to school smiling from cheek to cheek reminiscing about Friday night.